Child Abuse Help Information

Child Abuse Help Information

Toll Free National Child Abuse Hotline

If you want to report a suspected case of child abuse or neglect, call the National Child Abuse Hotline number listed above, or the toll free number in your state. Child abuse is a crime against children and we all must do our part to protect the children in this world today. I am a survivor of child abuse and I have suffered many years of pain because no one stood up to help me and protect me or my rights as a child or as a person. I have scars that can't be seen from the outside and they are scars that I will live with for the rest of my life because no one wanted to get involved. Children deserve better than that, so don't just turn your head and look the other way....get involved and protect the lives of tomorrow.

Who Abuses Children?

*Parents: Nine out of ten abused children are hurt by their own parents. Children suffer the pain.

*Relatives and Friends: A large number of children are hurt by other relatives and friends of the family, people who are known and trusted by you and the children.

*Strangers: The smallest number of children are hurt by strangers. Although this category is the smallest, children must be protected against abuse by strangers.

Who Are Physical Abusers?

Parents, just like you. And they love their children. But they frequently have grown up in an abusive home. So they raise their children the same way they were raised.

Parents usually hurt their children when life gets to be too much. They have too many pressures. Parents reach a point where they don't know what to do, so they lash out. They hurt their children. Most often, it is unintentional and parents regret hurting their children. They feel guilty. And they are afraid that it can happen again.

How You Can Prevent Physical Abuse.

*Keep in mind how hard it is to be a parent. Learn to recognize when your worries and your children get to be too much.

*Have a plan of action for when you're frustrated. The easiest thing to do is to get away from your children, far enough that you can't hit them.

*Calm down, take time out. Don't take it out on your child.

*Help is available in your community.

What Is Emotional Abuse?

Emotional abuse happens when parents needlessly yell at their children, call them ugly names, or tell them how useless they are. These parents don't realize the damage they do when they yell, and call names.

How You Can Prevent Emotional Abuse.

*Give your kids a big hug today and everyday! Tell them you love them!

*Don't make fun of your children. They don't understand teasing. Instead, praise them for a job well done. Encourage your children in their efforts.

*Let your children make some decisions for themselves. That's how they learn to make good choices. And it's a way to show you care about them.

*Talk to your children with kindness. That's how they learn to communicate with you and with others.

*Don't take it out on your kids when you have a bad day. Yelling only makes everyone feel worse.

*If you can't get along with your children, you may need help. Maybe talking with a counselor will help.

What Is Neglect?

Neglect happens when parents fail to provide a safe place for their children to live, play and grow up. Also when parents fail to provide and care for their children properly.

How You Can Prevent Neglect.

*Learn to care for your children.

*Don't leave your children alone.

*Make sure the things your children play with and where your children play is safe.

*Lock up poisons like bleach, cleansers, bug sprays, medicines and gasoline.

*Make sure your children have a chance to each breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.

*Make sure your children are bathed each day.

*Make sure your children are dressed adequately for the weather.

*Give your children a quiet place to sleep.

*Get regular medical check ups for your children, and get them medical treatment when they are sick or injured.

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse is not just rape. Any time an adult uses a child for sex, it is sexual abuse - sexual touching, kissing, fondling, using or showing of pornographic material. Both boys and girls can be victims of sexual abuse.

Who Are Sexual Abusers?

Strangers? Wrong. Most sexual abusers are persons who the children know. A father, another relative, a friend of the family, a babysitter, a neighbor and in some cases a stranger.

Children are easy prey, easy to scare into doing something they don't want to do. And, unless parents teach them otherwise, children keep sexual abuse a secret.

How You Can Prevent Sexual Abuse.

*Explain to your children that their bodies belong to them. Teach them to say "No!" to anyone who may try to touch them in any way that makes them feel uncomfortable or nervous. Give them examples of what to watch out for.

*Teach your children that some adults may try to hurt children and make them do things that they don't feel comfortable doing. Tell your children that sometimes these adults are strangers, but it may be someone they know, trust or love, like a relative, a babysitter, a neighbor, a teacher or even a policeman. Emphasize that most adults are very concerned about protecting children from harm.

*Talk to your child every day and take time to really listen and observe. Learn as many details as you can about your children's activities and feelings. Look into things you aren't sure about.

*Ask your children about what happens when they are alone with adults, with the babysitter, with older children. Teach your children to speak up if something is troubling them.

*Don't punish your children for telling you about sexual abuse. Don't blame them. It's never their fault.

What To Do If You Think Your Child Has Been Sexually Abused.

*Believe your child. A child rarely lies about sexual abuse.

*Comfort your child. Let your child know that you love him/her and that he/she is safe.

*Assure your child that it was not his/her fault.

*Tell your child that telling you was the right thing to do.

*Let your child know that there are a lot of people who can help, like doctors, counselors and police.

*Report the suspected abuse to the police.

*Most of all, get help for your child.