My Inspirations

You are listening to the song "Angels Among Us" by Alabama


My loving daughter, always my biggest inspiration in life. I Love
You, Always, Mom

From the day I gave birth to her along with each day that
passes, my daughter has been my greatest inspiration.
She has filled my heart and my life with love and
happiness. She has been a blessing to me in which I
will cherish always. I want to thank her for accepting
me and loving me for who I am. I love you with all my
heart and soul. Always, Mom.

For my wonderful husband who has always been so patient
and understanding with me. Thank you for always trusting
and believing in me. You saw within me what I could not
see in myself. Your love and encouragement has brought me
a long way in life. I want to say Thank you for always being
here by my side, always loving me and accepting me for who
I am without ever judging me. I love you, today, tomorrow
and always. Your Loving Wife.

I would also at this time like to mention a few others that have
made a big difference in my life. Whom inspired me and
helped make my life what it is today. My sister, the one
person that can really relate to everything I have been through.
Thank you for your love, support and understanding.
I Love Ya!!! My sister & My Best Friend!!!

Mrs. E., a summer school teacher of mine from the 8th grade.
Thank you for taking the time to care about me and for
showing me that my life did have a meaning and purpose to
go on. Mrs. E., you were the first of many whom touched my
heart and my life. You are the first person that ever took the
the time to get to know me and believe in me. Thank you
for all that you are and for all that you have been in my life.

Bonnie, my next door neighbor & friend. Thank you for your
prayers and for helping me find God again in my life. I am
forever grateful to you for such a precious gift you have
helped me regain. Thanks for always being there for me to
lean on. You hold a special place in my heart.

For my best friends, Cathy, Tammy & Sally. A special thanks
to all of you for all the times you have been here to pick me up
while I was down. You have all been there for me in my times
of need, you all have big hearts. I wish I knew the right words to
express how I feel...but I am sure each and every one of you
know in your hearts.

A very special thanks also to my internet friend Theresea for
all your help and all the hard work you have put into making
this site what it is today. I couldn't have done it without you.
All of your time, and thoughtful ideas are greatly appreciated.
The words just aren't there to tell you how much this all means
to me. THANKS!!!

Last, but definitely not psychologist, Dr. B. I know I
have a long way to go in terms of healing, but I am making
progress. Thank you for always being there for me, for never
letting me down or allowing me to let myself down. Thanks
for all the long hours you have spent giving me the
encouragement I needed to go on, with no regards to the time
of day or night it was. You have showed me you care and that
you will always be there for me. For all the times I was looking
for a way out, contemplating suicide, you always helped me
find a reason to go on, you would not allow me to run from
myself no more than you would allow me to run from my past.
Thanks for your concern and your help as far as the alcohol and
drugs were concerned, you were right as always...they only
work temporarily and make matters worse. I am learning through
you and through therapy that I have to start making decisions for
myself and for my own mental health. I knew I had to make a
decision about contact with my abusive family, and you could
not help me with that, so I had to make a decision I felt was best
for me at this time in my life. At this point in my life and healing
I felt like it was best for me to use a safety net where they are
concerned and stop all communication with them at this time
for I feel most comfortable with it. I know I have a long way to
go as far as healing, but I am confident that I have one of the
best psychologist around and my progress may be slow, but
with your help, I know I will get there one day. Thank you for
your kindness, caring and makes for the best
therapy. Thank you for all that you are and all that you have
been in my life. You are the BEST.