My Poetry

You are listening to the song "Angels Among Us" by Alabama

"You say You're My Mother"

You say you're my mother
it's funny I don't see it that way

A mother could never hurt any
child in the ways you have hurt me

Where were you when I needed you
Where were you when I was being hurt?

I cried, I called your name but you never came
I talked to you, but you said I was lying

I cried, I called your name but you said you
had to go to work.
I begged you not to go, but you said we
needed the money.

You say you're my mother
it's funny I don't see it that way.

A mother could never put anything above the
abuse of her child.
A mother could never turn her back and just
walk away and not look back.

I looked for you when I graduated
You were not there
I looked for you when I got married
You were not there
I looked for you when I had my daughter
You were not there

You say you're my mother
it's funny I don't see it that way.

Yes you gave birth to me
but that doesn't make you my mother
When it came to being a mother
You failed me miserably
You couldn't even protect me from yourself.

You say you're my mother
it's funny I don't see it that way.

Copyright 2000 by Sherrie Payne

"God, Why Me?"

As I lay here in the darkness
afraid and all alone
voices screaming in my head
I try not to think
I try not to breathe
My heart racing
I hear his footsteps
I try to scream but
nothing comes out
Scared of his touch
Scared of the pain
Scared to cry because
I get the blame
God, I am so ashamed
Please stop the torture,
Please stop the pain,
Afraid and all alone again
Dirty, from his touch.
Oh God, Why Me I Pray!!!

Copyright 2000 by: Sherrie Payne

"My Journey Within"

So may things deep inside
In my own mind I must hide
For no one can understand
The tumoil buried within
Like a storm in the night
Lightening flashing in the dark
Images flashing through my mind
As I see your face, it all comes back to me
The smell of your body, and your breath
That crushing feeling upon my chest
The feeling of your touch
That I've come to hate so much
You are the storm raging within
In my own mind I must hide
What you took you can't give back
What you've done you can't undo
But I know that means nothing to you
My tormented past fills my mind
If only I could leave it behind
I just can't get it out of my mind
You are the one that committed the crime
I am the one doing the time.

Copyright 2000 by Sherrie Payne

"Silent Tears"

As the tears welter in my eyes
I have to turn away and hide
Tears in my eyes is a disgrace
So I've learned to hold them in
Family values don't mean much
But shed a tear and see their disgust
The fear of pain lies within
I feel the need to hold them in
Sometimes late at night as I recall
I find myself in a dark corner by the wall
Tears rolling down my face uncontrollably
A dark silence is all it takes.

Copyright 2000 by Sherrie Payne

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